Is Ashwagandha Safe?

Following the recent publication by the RIVM (March 2024), which was picked up by several news channels, we would like to provide a brief explanation about the safety of Ashwagandha.

The RIVM report comes as a surprise since there is little scientific research available on the negative effects of Ashwagandha. The publications on news channels also generalize the very different herbs. In this article we give a short answer to the question of whether Ashwagandha is safe. We mention a large number of scientific studies and research that support this answer.

First of all, it is important to note that there are absolutely no fatal side effects from the use of Ashwagandha (Whitania somnifera). This only concerned a few cases from the use of another named herb, Tabernanthe iboga. However, the way this was presented in the media may suggest that the use of Ashwagandha may pose the same danger.

Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years as an anti-stress and brain tonic. Its use as a supplement has also been known for years, and studies show its positive effects. Studies on the effectiveness and safety of Ashwagandha in humans have never shown such an undesirable side effect on the liver.

So it is generally a safe herb, it is important to be alert when using thyroid medication and antidepressants. Do not use it during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, there are very rare cases of liver problems occurring while using Ashwagandha.

There is no scientific link yet between Ashwagandha and the effect on the liver. It is still unclear whether the reported cases are directly related to Ashwagandha or whether other factors were involved, such as the use of other substances, medication or a disease. At this point, one possibility seems to be that it concerns a hypersensitivity to Ashwagandha that occurs in very rare cases. For most people, Ashwagandha is safe to use.

The RIVM report, and (mainly) the way this is reported and treated in the media, raises many questions and unnecessary concerns. Based on the many users worldwide, the long history of safe use and the extremely low number of reports of this side effect, this can still be safely recommended as a supplement. In the extremely rare case that such an undesirable effect would occur, stopping the intake is sufficient to resolve the symptoms.

Several scientific studies have been conducted on the safety of Ashwagandha.

  1. Verma, N., Gupta, S. K., Tiwari, S., & Mishra, A. K. (2021). Safety of ashwagandha root extract: a randomized, placebo-controlled, study in healthy volunteers. Complementary therapies in medicine, 57, 102642. 
  2. Raut AA, Rege NN, Tadvi FM, Solanki PV, Kene KR, Shirolkar SG, Pandey SN, Vaidya RA, Vaidya AB. Exploratory study to evaluate tolerability, safety, and activity of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in healthy volunteers. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2012 Jul;3(3):111-4. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.100168. PMID: 23125505; PMCID: PMC3487234. 
  3. Mishra, L. C., Singh, B. B., & Dagenais, S. (2000). Scientific basis for the therapeutic use of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha): a review. Alternative medicine review, 5(4), 334-346. 
  4. Zahiruddin, S., Basist, P., Parveen, A., Parveen, R., Khan, W., & Ahmad, S. (2020). Ashwagandha in brain disorders: A review of recent developments. Journal of ethnopharmacology , 257 , 112876. 
  5. Langade, D., Kanchi, S., Salve, J., Debnath, K., Ambegaokar, D., & Langade, D. G. (2019). Efficacy and safety of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root extract in insomnia and anxiety: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Cureus, 11(9). 

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