Myths and facts about your hair

It can be long and wavy, short and straight, or sleek and shiny. Hair comes in many different lengths, styles, and colors. However, there are also many myths and misconceptions about hair. This article will discuss some of the most common myths, facts, and misconceptions so you can learn more about how to take optimal care of your hair.

Gray hair

Some people consider gray hair to be a unique and beautiful feature, but for others it is a painful reminder that they are getting older. Whatever your opinion, gray or white hair is almost inevitable as you get older.

Scientists have gone to great lengths to investigate the cause of gray hair, and they believe they have solved the problem at its root. Hair gets its color from a pigment called melanin. Melanocyte cells produce melanin in the hair follicles. Researchers have discovered that melanocytes accumulate damage over the years, eventually causing them to no longer be able to produce melanin. Studies have cited DNA damage and a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the follicles as possible causes of this disruption in melanin production. Without melanin, new hair that grows back has no pigment , causing it to appear gray, white, or silver.

Some people go gray at a young age, starting in their teens. Premature gray hair is usually determined by genes. So if your mother or father went gray early, there is a chance that you will too.

Hair loss

There are many myths and facts about your hair. Normally, hair goes through a regular growth cycle. During the anagen phase, which lasts two to six years or longer, the hair grows. During the telogen phase, which lasts about three months, the hair rests. At the end of the telogen phase, the hair falls out and is replaced by new hair. The average person loses about 100 hairs per day. Hair loss can also have other causes, such as medications or diseases.

As men age, they usually lose the hair on top of their heads. Eventually, they are left with a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair on the sides . This form of hair loss is called male pattern baldness . It is caused by genes and is fueled by the male hormone testosterone. These genes come from both parents, the idea that men look like their mother's father is a myth. With female pattern baldness , the hair loss is different, it becomes thinner on the top of the scalp while the hair on the front remains intact.

Factors that contribute to hair damage can include: birth control pills, high blood pressure medications, or chemotherapy. Other things can also have a strong influence on hair damage, such as severe stress, hormonal problems, or pregnancy.

Certain hair care practices such as wearing tight ponytails or bleaching regularly can also lead to hair loss. Some people compulsively pull out their hair, a psychological disorder called trichotillomania. If hair loss is related to a medication, stopping the medication usually prevents further hair loss and the hair eventually grows back. Hair also usually grows back after most illnesses, radiation, or chemotherapy.

Damage to the hair

Regular blow-drying, straightening, highlighting and perming can wreak havoc on your hair, leaving it brittle, broken and unmanageable. Split ends and dry hair are just two of the casualties of over-styling. Excessive styling and heat can cause split ends, which occur when the protective outer layer of the hair (the cuticle) becomes damaged and sloughs off. Some split end treatments include:

- Brush gently with a soft, flexible bristle brush; do not overbrush.

- Avoid towel drying. If you towel dry your hair, rub it gently.

- Use a conditioner, and deep condition about once a week.

Hair needs moisture and a certain amount of oil to stay healthy looking. A number of things can dry out hair, including:

- Washing too often

- Using an aggressive shampoo

- Excessive blow-drying or use of curling or straightening irons

- Exposure to sun, wind and dry air

- Use of dyes

- Poor nutrition

- Certain medications

Oily hair

The scalp contains a natural oil/sebum that keeps the skin lubricated. Sebaceous glands produce sebum. Sometimes these glands go into overdrive and produce too much oil, leading to an oily scalp. Oily hair can look dull, limp and lifeless and can be harder to manage. To treat oily hair, you can opt for a gentle shampoo that is specially formulated to control sebum. These were the myths and facts about your hair. Metis supplements contribute to the maintenance of normal hair.

Pharmacist Dirk
Founder Metis Supplements

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